3-Ingredient Coconut Macaroons

Once the macaroons have fully cooled we can add the chocolate! – Melt the dark chocolate in a bain-marie / double boiler (this is a pan with shallow boiling water, with a heatproof bowl balanced on it! Add the chocolate in chunks to the bowl and keep stir until melted – don’t let the water touch the bottom of the bowl!). Or alternative microwave the chocolate in 20 second bursts until smooth in a heatproof bowl/jug.

Dip the bottom of the macaroons in to the dark chocolate one by one, and place back on to the baking tray (bottom side down!). Drizzle any remaining chocolate on top of the macaroons – Enjoy!


– Store your coconut macaroons in an airtight container in the fridge, where they’ll last for 1+ weeks!
– The almond extract can be left out if you don’t have any to hand – it just adds a nice flavour!

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