I drink this drink before bed: Add ginger to a glass of kefir

How to Make a Drink with Kefir and Ginger: This calm evening beverage is easy to make and serves quickly. Here’s how to do it: Pour yourself a glass of your preferred kefir first. To preserve its natural properties and avoid added sugars right before bed, plain, unsweetened kefir is recommended. Finely chop one teaspoon of raw ginger root. You can start with less and taste as you go if you’re sensitive to strong flavors. Grated ginger should be well mixed with the kefir. After allowing the ginger pieces to steep for a few minutes, you may filter them out for a smoother texture. Optional: You can add a drizzle of honey for extra calming effects and a bit of sweetness.

In summary, including this Kefir and ginger drink into your daily routine is about more than just enjoying a calming drink—it’s about infusing your evening with a moment of peace and introspection. This beverage serves as a gentle reminder of how important it is to look after ourselves. It provides both physical nourishment and a mental break, ensuring a restful night’s sleep. Allow this delicious mixture to serve as your daily cue to wind down, relax, and anticipate a restful night’s sleep.
Enjoy !

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