Salty cake


Preheat the oven to 170°C.

Sweat the chopped onion for 3 minutes with a pinch of salt.
Place your mildew on a plate.

In a salad bowl, beat the eggs with the crème fraîche then add the flour and yeast.

Add the melted butter and blend to acquire a easy paste.

Add elements of your selection.


Line the underside of the mildew with dough then add your filling, combine and add extra dough to fill your mildew and blend once more.
For the garnish, a number of combos exist:
The amount is random relying in your style buds.

– dried tomatoes/basil
– tomatoes/feta
– bacon/mushrooms
– salmon/chives
– chorizo
– zucchini/goat cheese
– pepper/mozzarela
– hen matchstick
– tuna/olives
– hen/mozzarela
– mozzarella

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