Use Castor Oil Before Bed – See Results by Morning

Step 1: Warm a small amount of castor oil in your hands or heat it slightly in a microwave. Ensure it’s comfortably warm and not hot.
Step 2: Massage the warm oil into your scalp and through the lengths of your hair. Focus on areas that are thinning or where hair is brittle.
Step 3: Cover your hair with a shower cap or a towel to prevent oil from staining your pillow as you sleep.
For Eyelashes and Eyebrows:
Step 1: Dip a clean mascara brush or a cotton swab into castor oil.
Step 2: Carefully apply the oil to your eyebrows and along your eyelash line. Be careful not to get any oil in your eyes.
Tips for Overnight Use
Wear Old Clothes: Castor oil is thick and can stain clothing, so wear something old to bed or cover areas that might come in contact with the oil.
Protect Your Bedding: Use an old towel over your pillow to avoid stains.
Consistency Is Key: For best results, make this a part of your nightly routine.
Potential Side Effects
While castor oil is generally safe for most people, it can cause allergic reactions in some. Always perform a patch test by applying a small amount of the oil to a part of your skin and wait for 24 hours to check for any reaction.

By incorporating castor oil into your nightly routine, you can wake up to noticeably softer, more hydrated skin, and healthier hair. As with any natural remedy, results can vary based on individual factors, but many people report positive changes with regular use.

Enjoy !

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